Considered messengers of the gods, the macaques are now made to wear costumes, do backflips, and walk on stilts to please crowds. Trainers with the Sen-zu No Sarumawashi performance group in ...
Sex between a snow monkey and sika deer in Japan could reveal new information about bestiality in humans. Credit: Alexandre Bonnefoy There's a snow monkey in Japan who has got a taste for ...
Japanese monkey in snowy landscape, sitting on rocks. Image credits: Vishrut Bajpai/Pexel (Not the actual photo) One of these monkeys apparently wanted to be more than just friends, though.
An curved arrow pointing right. Japanese monkeys, living in Jigoku-dani in the Nagano Prefecture, are known for enjoying the warm pools in the area in winter time. Sony Action Cam captured these ...
YAMANOUCHI, Nagano Prefecture—Visitors to the popular monkey park here have been delighted by the sight of wild Japanese macaques soaking in hot springs to escape the winter chill. Approximately ...
The food was placed by an employee in the shape of katakana characters for “saru,” the Japanese for “monkey,” thereby forming fluffy “monkey letters.” The population of snow monkeys ...
Enchanting adaptation of two Haruki Murakami stories in a collaboration between Vanishing Point and Kanagawa Arts Theatre ...
Vanishing Point’s Confessions of A Shinagawa Monkey is a stunning piece of total theatre, writes Joyce McMillan ...
This is Jigokudani Monkey Park, home to a population of Japanese macaques. Colloquially called snow monkeys, the species has adapted to the cold with fur that grows denser as the temperature drops.