Recently, tensions flared on the set of Shaan Mishra’s mythological series, Jai Maa Laxmi. Reports reveal that Shaan Mishra filed a police complaint against the show’s producer, Mangesh Jaktap.
The famous battle cry of the Gorkha Regiment is: "Jai Mahakali, Ayo Gorkhali" (Hail Goddess Mahakali, the Gorkhas are coming). This cry energizes the soldiers and instils fear in their enemies.
Actor Shaan Mishra, who is currently a part of the TV show, Jai Maa Laxmi, got into an ugly spat with the producer of the show, which later resulted in fisticuffs. On Thursday, Shaan filed a ...
MAA, an S&P 500 company, is a real estate investment trust (REIT) focused on delivering full-cycle and superior investment performance for shareholders through the ownership, management ...
He wrote in the caption, “After much consideration I have decided that this year my valentine is my girlfriend Ayo. this is a photo of us together doing Dr. Jart+ Water Jet Vital Hydra Solution ...
Jai Corp stock price: The sharp drop comes after the company disclosed a significant capital reduction proposal involving Urban Infrastructure Holdings Private Limited (UIHPL), in which it holds a 32% ...
The box office figures are compiled from various sources and our own research. The figures can be approximate and Bollywood Hungama does not make any claims about the authenticity of the data ...