“Earth becomes a musical instrument.” Decades ago, measurements of such seismic waves identified two strange continent-sized structures, one beneath the Pacific Ocean and one beneath Afric ...
Farm structures are also known as farm buildings. They are built on a farm, especially on big farms, used for farming operations. A farmhouse is a structure that serves mainly as a home for families, ...
Mitochondria are cytoplasmic organelles found in most eukaryotic cells. They are formed from an outer membrane, a highly invaginated inner membrane containing cristae, and a matrix. Mitochondria ...
Two spiraling structures come together to create the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, Frank Lloyd Wright’s midcentury masterpiece on Manhattan’s Upper East Side. Wright chose the circular shape ...
一直作为化工原料而被熟知的衣康酸(Itaconate,ITA),与乳酸从“代谢废物”成为“宝藏小分子”的辛酸历程相似,直到近十几年才被发现其重要的生物学功能,从此“翻身农奴把歌唱”,特别是在免疫炎症性疾病研究领域内大放异彩。已有多篇论文报道了在 ...