根据OpenAI官方数据显示,在行业标准的33种语言测试中,gpt-4o-transcribe的错误率相较于Whisper有了显著下降,尤其在英语方面,错误率更是低至 2.46%! 这对于需要高精度语音转录的场景来说,无疑是一个巨大的进步。
机器之心报道编辑:泽南现在,你可以指导 GPT-4o 的说话方式了。今天凌晨,OpenAI 突然开启了新产品发布直播,这次新发布的内容全是音频模型。据介绍,它们实现了新的 SOTA 水平,在准确性和可靠性方面优于现有解决方案——尤其是在涉及口音、嘈杂环境和不同语速的复杂场景中。这些改进提高了语音 / ...
就在刚刚,OpenAI 发布了一系列新模型和工具,具体来说OpenAI在API 中推出三种新的先进音频模型:️ 两种语音转文本模型 - 表现优于 Whisper 新的 TTS ...
The搜狐简单AI工具 is a cutting-edge tool designed to help you create stunning professional photos with just a few clicks. With its ...
As the world grapples with the challenges of climate change and the need for sustainable development, innovative solutions ...
Modern life makes us tired, right? But research from societies in Africa and South America suggests people in the ancient ...
Modern life makes us tired, right? But research from societies in Africa and South America suggests people in the ancient ...
DONGGUAN, Mar. 18 (Gwadar Pro)- From March 15 to 19, the 53rd International Famous Furniture Fair (Dongguan), a premier global event for the home furnishing industry, is showcasing over 1,200 top-tier ...
Celebrate St Patrick's Day weekend with three days of discounted drinks and green beer at Shanghai’s oldest Irish Pub. Doors ...
AI力的意义在于,人类与AI的关系正在从传统的工具使用,转变为更深度的协作伙伴关系。然而,这种协作关系并非对等,因为当前的生成式AI仍存在显著的局限性。 AI缺乏主动性和情境学习能力,它无法自主识别问题,也无法独立规划解决方案。