Spectroscopy is a key tool for identifying chemical compounds and analyzing molecular structures. Learn how to read and ...
fibre lasers and frequency combs, and discusses how plasmonics can be exploited in the mid-infrared regime.
and ultralow noise frequency synthesis. A particular emphasis is understanding and pushing the technical and fundamental measurement limits of these systems. Additionally, I am interested in the ...
High-end, third-party remote controls use radio frequencies (RF) instead of infrared. Such remotes neither have to be aimed, nor even be in the same room, but they require a base station that ...
Our far-infrared lasers are cable of producing hundreds of milliwatts at frequencies covering most of the submillimeter-wave bands. When combined with polarimetric optics and signal processing ...
Our research topics include Trace gas detection with photoacoustic and cavity-enhanced spectroscopy Optical frequency comb spectroscopy and infrared frequency comb generation using nonlinear optics ...
Suppose that you want to generate an IR remote’s signal ... this carrier modulation easily enough yourself. Set the PWM frequency to 38 kHz and the duty cycle somewhere in the 33%-50% range ...
The temperature of the Earth depends on many factors including the concentration of greenhouse gases such as water vapour, methane and carbon dioxide. The Earth also radiates lower frequency ...