山东沾化,一个位于渤海之滨的小县城,这里有绵延千年的渔家文化,也孕育了吟唱数百年的渔鼓戏。渔鼓戏历经兴衰守望着沾化人的传承,沾化渔鼓戏剧团就诞生在这里,再过不久,这个出自小县城、小戏种的小剧团,将受邀去埃及参加国际实验戏剧节,登上国际舞台。 一座小城,因为一群人的坚守和突破,将渔鼓戏这一方小戏唱成了一出大戏,而关于渔鼓戏破圈成长的故事,不仅是一个地方小戏种于困境中迸发力量的故事,更是小城小剧团如何 ...
SMM Cobalt and Lithium Morning Meeting Summary: This week, the spot price of cobalt intermediate products rose slightly as the market continued to gradually digest the impact of the DRC export ban. Su ...
A foreign employee at Universal Studios Beijing has been suspended for engaging in inappropriate physical interactions with visitors while portraying the role of Charlie Chaplin.