Global brands are constantly searching for local relevance, but many miss the mark. Revlon, however, has nailed localisation ...
First, identify the light sensor device path, try to run from a terminal find /sys/bus -name in_illuminance_raw. In some cases the device name can be significantly different, try to broaden the search ...
Concealer can be a beauty enthusiast’s best friend or a rapid route to enhancing those undesired fine lines and wrinkles, ...
As someone who deals with redness and rosacea, finding the right foundation is like finding a needle in a forest. (that's the saying, right?) You want something that covers the redness without looking ...
The Sekonic Spectrometer C-4000 should cover all your precision light-measuring needs, while also boasting a raft of features via Bluetooth functionality ...
According to beauty experts from No7, to effectively conceal imperfections, it’s essential that your concealer matches your ...
utilizing the CS metric. Provide the calculator with spectral power distribution (SPD) and illuminance data about your source(s) and recieve combined metrics, charts, and SPD's in return.
2002年,30岁的她凭借《假寐》《花火》《花子》三本摄影集 获得第27届木村伊兵卫摄影奖。 以日本最重要的摄影新人奖出道以来, 川内伦子已出版了超过20本摄影集, 迅速在国际摄影界横扫大奖,占据重要地位。
Jamie Mott will ride Illuminance from barrier 11, while Enver Jusufovic's Astral Flame will jump from barrier five. The Sportsbet Future Stars Series Final is Race 8 on Thursday's card and is set to ...
这是川内伦子第二次来到中国,13年前,她曾在中国河北拍摄过打铁花(收录在摄影集《Halo》中)。第一次来上海,“发现这里的高楼大厦比我想象得还要多,有点吓到了。” 谈到川内伦子,她很容易被和一些简单的标签挂上钩——比如“小清新”、“诗意摄影”云云。这些网络热词仅仅抽象出了表层的观感体验,忽略了其血肉。
Be smart and adapt your driving to road conditions. Travelling during a foggy patch can pose many issues for drivers, and ...