Community members donated in honor of Noah Naybak, a 15-year-old sophomore diagnosed with MOGAD (myelin oligodendrocyte ...
Georgia families of children with PANS and PANDAS and the clinicians who treat them are pushing for insurance coverage and recognition.
A new systematic review explores AI’s role in vasculitis diagnosis, highlighting its accuracy in Kawasaki disease and potential for predictive analytics.
IgA血管炎(IgA vasculitis,IgAV)又称过敏性紫癜(Henoch-Schönlein purpura,HSP),是儿童时期常发生的血管炎,过敏性紫癜是食物过敏引起的吗?需要应用抗组胺药吗?下面我们一起了解一下IgAV。一IgAV病因及发病机制IgAV病因及发病机制尚未完全清楚,可能与以下因素有关:1.