02/15/2025 February 15, 2025 Hydrofoil boats are getting faster, more efficient, and more sustainable. A Swiss student team built their own eco-friendly prototype – and put it to the test on ...
A Belfast-based company is partnering with a Puget Sound maker of luxury yachts, with promises that they may build a new fleet of passenger-only ferries.
For a little more than a decade, the local aerospace giant brought its jet airplane technology to the commercial passenger boat market, building dozens of hydrofoil ferries used around the world.
This video explores groundbreaking inventions that utilize hydrogen fuel cells, from the world’s first hydrofoil boat to large cargo barges. These technologies are reducing emissions and proving ...
Foils aren’t necessarily a new technology. I remember taking a Hydrofoil passenger ferry from Hong Kong to Macau every few weeks when I lived in Asia in the late 90s. By knifing through the ...
The vehicle is designed to move through the water at slow speeds like a conventional boat, then accelerate onto hydrofoils ...
REGENT Craft's seaglider—that’s also designed to be able to fly with zero drag close to the surface of the water—is more than ...
service, where hydrofoil boats (Boeing jetfoil) are already employed. Future routes include longer trips such as the Vlissingen - London route, which would measure about 134 nm and four hours long.