May the very God of peace sanctify you completely and may your whole spirit, soul and body be preserved blameless to the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.” When a person is born again his spirit is ...
Vince Baker Ministries has released a new video guide for Christians seeking deeper spiritual insight and connection with God, focusing on the benefits of speaking in tongues.
Praying through the Holy Spirit’s intercession so God's will is perfected (Romans 8:26-28). The guide is appopriate for new converts to Christianity and mature believers alike, as viewers can find ...
Footage of a killer father’s baptism into his family’s fringe church congregation in the months before he caused the death of his daughter by withdrawing her lifesaving insulin has been revealed – ...
The act is referred to by members of the group as “speaking in tongues”. Picture: Supplied Jason dries off after the act. Picture: Supplied Over the music, Mr Stevens is heard babbling in an ...