He recommends gently applying equal parts baking soda and white toothpaste to lighten watermarks with a damp cloth. Pet Stains: “Pet urine stains are among the most difficult to remove since the ...
He recommends gently applying equal parts baking soda and white toothpaste to lighten watermarks with a damp cloth. Pet Stains: “Pet urine stains are among the most difficult to remove since the ...
Step 2: Apply liquid laundry detergent or mild washing-up liquid solution Use a damp towel to apply a clothes ... remove coffee stains include shaving cream, baby powder, egg yolk and bleach (for ...
Use a damp towel to apply a clothes detergent ... items that work well to remove coffee stains include shaving cream, baby powder, egg yolk and bleach (for white only - use cautiously as a last ...