As the humble cassette tape continues to make a steady comeback, here’s 13 that are currently considered the most expensive ...
Tupac Shakur, Hip Hop Immortal..... Poet and playwright Al Letson recalls the life of Tupac Shakur.
Polonius II opens with patterns which proliferate in uncanny ways. Extra layers cascade in with a pop-up effect akin to new windows surprisingly but synchronously opening on a browser. This digital ...
For the first time since 2022, this year's South by Southwest Film & Television Festival does not overlap with the Oscars - ... opens the show. In 1992, British electronic/hip-hop act Stereo MCs released “Connected” — a purposely repetitive dance jam that became in certain clubs and on certain radio stations ...
In the final part of tQ's collaboration with 20ft Radio, Neformat, the British Council and Ukrainian Institute, Anton ...