Researchers at the University of Ottawa have made a significant advancement in the field of spinal cord injury research, developing a novel optogenetic mouse model that could lead to improved ...
BACKGROUND: Lymphedema is an incurable disease associated with lymphatic dysfunction that causes tissue swelling and fibrosis ...
This valuable study characterises the activity of motor units from two of the three anatomical subdivisions ("heads") of the triceps muscle while mice walked on a treadmill at various speeds. Although ...
Inflammation is a biological response to harmful stimuli, such as pathogens, damaged cells or irradiation. It is a protective attempt by the organism to remove injurious stimuli and to initiate ...
Researchers have made a significant advancement in the field of spinal cord injury research, developing a novel optogenetic mouse model that could lead to improved treatments for limb spasticity ...
现有的转基因动物模型,大多只能聚焦于 TDP-43 蛋白病的晚期阶段,对于疾病早期、症状出现前的运动神经元特异性病理变化,却无能为力。就好比我们只能看到疾病发展的 “果”,却难以探寻其 “因”。为了填补这一空白,深入了解疾病的早期进程,来自美国休斯顿卫理公会研究所(Houston Methodist Research ...
最近,科学家们进行了一项有趣的研究,发现蝙蝠和鸟类在进化过程中有着非常不同的发展路径,尤其是在翅膀和腿部的进化上。 大家可能觉得有点奇怪,蝙蝠和鸟类不都是能飞的动物吗?为什么它们的进化方式会有这么大的差异呢?“海洋与湿地 ...
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