Ambrosia and nectar were the food and drink of the gods symbolizing the divine nature and immortality of the Olympians.
According to Jewish tradition, the current Hebrew month of Adar is meant to be joyful. Ancient rabbinic commentators demand: ...
Way before Man stepped on the moon and gazed afar at our planet, Muslim scholars knew that the Earth was round. While many ...
The works of Hesiod, and especially Works and Days, provide information about the life of the peasants towards the end of the 8th century BC. As in Geometric Period art and its influence on modern art ...
While Homer describes Aphrodite as the daughter of the deities Zeus and Dione, Hesiod tells of her marine birth from the severed genitals of the primordial god Ouranos. The oil jar at right elegantly ...
Greek and Roman religion venerated one plurality of gods, heroesbut also personifications of abstract concepts. The ancient ...