成果于近期以“Multi-disciplinary evidence illuminates the speciation history of a monophyletic yet dimorphic lily ...
Turk’s-cap lilies, where the flowers have reflexed petals, are arguably the most charming lilies. They include Lilium henryi, ...
Mission Statement: Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine (eCAM) is an international, peer-reviewed journal that seeks to understand the sources and to encourage rigorous research ...
喝酒伤肝,很多人都知道。但你可能不知道,肾脏也会被酒精伤得体无完肤!(图片来源:soogif)广东的一名男生,就因此后悔莫及……我们先来看一下他的故事吧。近日,24岁的小张(化名)因“持续1个月食量减少,发现血肌酐升高5天”,被家人送到医院肾内科就诊。这半年来,小张经常熬夜喝酒,几乎每周都会有4~5天喝酒喝到后 ...