Every Wednesday, Fotografiska Shanghai hosts Wednesday Jazz & Cocktails, a FOTO LIVE event showcasing avant-garde jazz ...
拨打我们的售楼处热线,来电即可享受买房优惠! 来电可预约案场内部销售人员,专人服务,就像朋友一样,让您买房更舒心。 从精致的一室一厅到宽敞的复式豪宅,每一款户型都经过精心设计,只为满足您对家的所有想象。 Shishan, as the center city with the earliest ...
The Cannery has just released a new brunch menu, a 'build your own' affair with dishes RMB68 each or RMB188 for three. There is also a RMB198 free flow deal, as well as a special brunch drinks menu ...