New species of shark, sea butterfly, mud dragon, bamboo coral, water bear, octocoral, and shrimp were just some of the marine ...
A young man was killed and two others injured after being shot during clashes between two factions of Jubo Dal for “control ...
The UK’s National Quantum Computing Center (NQCC) is running a novel cross-qubit scaling platform from US vendor SEEQC. It is ...
Ezra Furman is releasing a new album, Goodbye Small Head, on May 16 via Bella Union. Now she has shared its second single, ...
They report in the European Journal of Archaeology that, although eight social-play toys were found among the Norse ...
What started as a teaser video turned out to be a new family of missiles that Lockheed plans to develop. Naval News asked ...
When the bridge went L.E.D., an entrepreneurial stuff-flipper bought a bunch of the old lights, for thirty-five dollars a pop ...
These are the best tidbits of Final Fantasy lore, pieces of lost content, and scrapped ideas that only the biggest of ...
Experts have announced a massive discovery of 866 new marine species – some of them sound straight out of science fiction ...