Google has officially implemented a new platform for Chrome extensions, and it brings both good and bad news. On the positive ...
Google Chrome is disabling Manifest v2 extensions like uBlock Origin, but the adblocker still works provided you reenable it.
部分 Chrome 用户反馈谷歌浏览器已自动禁用了 Ublock Origin 等扩展,并提示不再支持。谷歌表示,这是一个渐进式的过程,并为企业用户和部分用户提供了过渡期,支持他们通过组策略继续使用 Manifest V2 扩展程序至 2025 年 6 月。
Google Chrome Extensions such as uBlock Origin are switched off as the browser firm enforces security updates.
Google is migrating Chrome browser extensions to a new specification that limits the functionality of ad blockers.
近期Google正式淘汰基于Manifest v2的Chrome扩展功能,这样的变化也进一步影响了有“广告拦截神器”之称的扩展功能uBlock Origin(基于v2架构),让许多uBlock Origin用户哀鸿遍野,也不断询问是否有其他的替代方案 ...
Google is disabling the original uBlock Origin ad blocker for more Chrome browser users, alongside other extensions that are ...
Google is sneakily trying to get users to remove uBlock Origin, but there's a simple workaround you can use to sidestep it.