To overcome this limitation, we propose a multi-fusion gated recurrent Transformer network (GRTN) that achieves SOTA denoising performance with only a single-frame delay. Specifically, the spatial ...
"We are planning precautionary cuts to reduce demand so that it meets the availability (of power)," Andrea Bollino, chairman of the national grid company GRTN, said today. Authorities attributed ...
(原标题:A股收评:沪指、创业板指涨超1%,证券股尾盘拉升,全市场超4200股飘红) 2月26日下午,A股收市,三大指数持续 ...
Pull requests help you collaborate on code with other people. As pull requests are created, they’ll appear here in a searchable and filterable list. To get started, you should create a pull request.
数据,是观察经济发展的重要视角,蕴含着丰富的信息与故事,汇聚出中国经济全景图。 本版选取4组经济社会发展的新数据,和读者一起打开视野,讲述数字背后万千企业的探索,呈现中国经济的活力与韧性,以期缩小宏观数据与微观感受的“温差”,让数据 ...
-- Script to load day-ahead electricity prices into Domoticz historic variables, as a base for further processing. -- New prices are available every day at 15:00 for the coming 24 hrs. -- These are ...