This FROSTER-BL-330 model features 4 vertically adjustable drawers made of aluminium which rest on telescopic runners. Drawers made of stainless steel are optionally available.
The FROSTER-BL-178 blood plasma freezers are fitted with an automatic rapid defrosting system. The defrosting process is thermically monitored and temporarily limited. This prevents freezing of ...
If you're going to chill them in the fridge, you'll want them in there for a few hours at least. Unless you just have to have this viral 'glass froster' in your home, anyway.
See what it takes to be a lockmaster on the Rideau Canal, a picturesque chain of lakes, rivers and canal cuts joining Kingston and Ottawa. Helping to move a riverboat through the waterway is all in a ...
随着分析化学领域的不断发展,防爆冰箱在实验室中的应用越来越广泛。为了满足不同实验室的需求,各大厂商推出了各种型号的防爆冰箱。面对众多的选择,如何挑选到性价比高、性能稳定的防爆冰箱成为许多用户关心的问题。为此,我们特别策划了本期防爆 ...
仪器信息网比勒超低吸附防爆冷凝器专题为您提供2025年最新比勒超低吸附防爆冷凝器价格报价、厂家品牌的相关信息, 包括比勒超低吸附防爆冷凝器参数、型号等,不管是国产,还是进口品牌的比勒超低吸附防爆冷凝器您都可以在这里找到。 除此之外,仪器 ...