Shanghai Dramatic Arts Center will stage British director Rich Rusk's adaptation of Franz Kafka's novel "The Metamorphosis" ...
GAZA, March 19 (Xinhua) -- At least 25 Palestinians were killed and dozens of others wounded on Wednesday in the Israeli bombing of a house in the Sabra neighborhood of Gaza City, according to ...
联合国儿童机构(U.N. Children's Agency)的通讯专家罗莎莉亚·博伦(Rosalia Bollen)表示,她在凌晨两点左右醒来,听到了“非常响亮的爆炸声”。她说,“轰炸持续了一整夜。整个晚上,无人机和飞机飞过的地方一直嗡嗡作响。” ...
除了哈佛大学以外,其他知名高校也在扩大其财政资助计划,以减轻学生的经济负担。例如,德克萨斯大学系统(University of Texas System) 宣布扩展其免学费计划,使年收入10 万美元及以下的家庭可享受免费学费。 麻省理工学院(MIT) 也宣布从 2024 年起,对年收入20 万美元以下的本科生免除学费。
Four women, Tibby Whalan, Eileen Pittman, Beryl Armstrong and Mary Wright, reminisce about raising their families in the 1930s, surviving the economic hardship of the Great Depression and the beginnin ...
(加沙18日讯)以色列周二对加沙地带发动了自1月份停火以来最激烈的军事行动,救援人员称已有121多人死亡,这促使巴勒斯坦伊斯兰抵抗运动(哈马斯)指责内塔尼亚胡政府破坏停火。法新社报导,内塔尼亚胡办公室在声明中表示,这次攻击是因为“哈马斯屡次拒绝释放人 ...
SHANGHAI, March 13 (Xinhua) -- As DADA -- the world's biggest LEGO Minifigure at a height of 26 meters and weighing 136 tonnes -- has been installed, construction on the LEGOLAND Shanghai Resort has ...
Israeli airstrikes killed several senior officials in the Hamas-run government during a large-scale attack on the Gaza Strip early Tuesday, Palestinian security and medical sources said. At least five ...
The NBS on Monday released data of China's economy in the first two months of 2025, which showed industrial output, fixed asset investment and retail sales all growing at a faster pace than a year ...