It turns out bees are responsible for a lot more than just making honey. In fact, if bees were to disappear, it could lead to some catastrophic outcomes.
Narrator: The extinction of bees could have a disastrous domino effect, killing off animals that eat those plants, and so on up the food chain. Luckily, humanity wouldn't face a global famine like ...
A study carried out by WWF and Buglife looked at the state of bees in the east of England and found that 17 species have already gone regionally extinct. Almost 90% of the world’s wild plants depend ...
Bee” Only around 600 bee species have been formally assessed for their risk of extinction. As for the remaining 3,000? “We truly don’t know,” says Saff Killingsworth, a conservation ...
Unfortunately, as detailed in the Center’s report Pollinators in Peril, 1 in 4 native bee species is at risk of extinction. Native bees face a range of serious threats — from habitat loss to climate ...
but maybe not fully extinct. Because - Like dinosaurs and things like that? Yeah, they died for a reason. Nature's cause. Say bees - I swear bees are going extinct and we need those. So we can ...
Gerardo Ceballos, researcher at the Institute of Ecology of the UNAM, tells Infobae Mexico that if bees are lost, the ability to produce food. In his words: “With the extinction of bees ...
Beekeepers from across the country are gathering in the midlands this weekend to highlight their concerns around the native Irish honey bee which they say is at grave risk of extinction ...
Beekeepers have warned that native Irish honey bees are at grave risk of extinction. This weekend, the Native Irish Honey Bee Society is holding its annual conference in Athlone, Co Westmeath ...