Alex McDonald was just 16 when he was forced to put sport on hold – but after three years developing his coaching career he is now the man in charge.
Up to half of children with pectus carinatum will also have some component of pectus excavatum (a sunken chest). Sometimes, children experience pectus carinatum on one side of their chest and pectus ...
Four University graduate students showcased their original written works at Gallery Art Bar on Wednesday evening.
A Massachusetts father recalls his son's passion for model trains, inspiring his mother to write a book in his memory.
Physical therapy (PT) can help relieve sciatica pain by reducing nerve compression, improving flexibility, and strengthening muscles. Physical therapists use various techniques to treat sciatica pain, ...
Ticks are the most versatile arthropod diseases vectors capable to transmit the broadest spectrum of pathogens comprising viruses, bacteria, protozoa, fungi and nematodes to their vertebrate hosts ...
In 13 patients, free of cardiopulmonary disease, who had been subjected to hyperventilation for an average of two and three-quarters hours during anesthesia and operation, spontaneous breathing ...