A new study finds that sharks and rays harbor several harmful bacteria, some resistant to antibiotics, raising concerns over their impact on public health.
For example, a bacterium traveling through the human gut can experience pHs ranging from highly acidic (pH 2-3) to basic (pH 8-9) in just a few hours. In hypersaline ponds, bacteria in microbial ...
This wouldn’t be the first evidence of bacteria eating toxic alkaloids, she says, but examples from nature are rare. Some bacteria can break down caffeine, for instance. Also, microbes in the ...
San Diego biologist Eun Chae Moon and colleagues discovered an example of protection that comes at a cost, impeding the bacteria's ability to survive when levels of magnesium are low. "While we ...
Not all bacteria are harmful. For example, yoghurt and cheese makers use bacteria to make their products. Bacteria like intestinal flora can be helpful to our bodies whereas E.coli can be harmful ...
This discovery could also have implications in studies of polymer-secreting conglomerations of bacteria known as biofilms—the slippery goo on river rocks, for example—and in industrial ...
Not all bacteria are harmful. For example, yoghurt and cheese makers use bacteria to make their products. Bacteria like intestinal flora can be helpful to our bodies whereas E.coli can be harmful ...