The Kam Grand Choir, a treasured folk art of China's Dong ethnic group, continues to captivate audiences far and wide with its harmonious melodies and rich cultural heritage.
In Zhaoxing Dong Village, SW China's Guizhou, the ancient craft of wax dyeing is not only preserving Dong culture but also creating new opportunities for locals.
The Dong ethnic group, residing in the mountains of southwest China, is home to a unique culture, including the UNESCO-listed Grand Song. Join us to explore Zhaoxing Dong Village in Guizhou to learn ...
GUIYANG, March 18 (Xinhua) -- Xi Jinping, general secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, visited a Dong ethnic village in southwest China's Guizhou Province on Monday afternoon, ...
GUIYANG, March 18 (Xinhua) -- Xi Jinping, general secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, has stressed that areas with large ethnic minority populations should preserve their ...
vested Branch iaries a Composite Beijing o.,Ltd.10% hui Science Shandon ustrial Co., Ltd. 9% Lithium hanghai) Nanjin chnology . 25% Lithium Changd American Lithium % Pingxia non-metallic Lithium M t ...
近视是件麻烦事。一旦忘戴眼镜,开会时看不清屏,走路上认不出人,属于是事业感情俩都误。更别提夏天鼻梁出汗眼镜打滑,冬天镜片起雾的苦了。咪,相信我,我懂!图片来源:网络然而,自己的不幸固然可怕,别人的成功更加令人揪心。你身边可能也有这么一个人,看着平平无 ...
【云南开始春茶采摘 古茶树保护带来文化和经济价值】在云南普洱澜沧县的景迈山,上万亩古茶林陆续吐露春芽。当地布朗族、傣族茶农们世代居于此地,遵循"采养结合"的祖训:采茶时会遵循季节采收的留叶标准,让古茶树得以继续生长。自2023年9月古茶林成功列入《世界遗产名录》后,景迈山依托“茶旅融合”发展模式,至2024年9月,共接待游客40.2万人次,实现旅游收入3.38亿元,同比增长近两倍。Ancient ...
China has made significant progress in pursuing sustainable development and human rights protection in recent years, experts ...
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新京报 on MSN进入博物馆,为什么即便“走马观花”,也能感受到一种规律?在今天,博物馆是现代大都市的基础文化设施之一。而逛博物馆也成为现代人一种独特休闲方式,它让参观者穿越时间和空间的限制,对人从哪儿来、一棵树有过何种演变、一项工程或一座城市从哪儿来等基本问题有直观了解。本文节选自新书《博物馆的诞生》相关章节。