GHMC officials inspect Mozamjahi Market, warn vendors against carbide use for mango ripening, and promote safe ethephon-based ...
At any given point, someone somewhere in India is minting money by tinkering with our food, inflicting terrible human and economic costs ...
As the staple chemical thinner carbaryl comes under increasing scrutiny, alternatives are stepping in for the Northwest tree ...
例如,赤霉素(Gibberelinen)、1 - 氨基环丙烷 - 1 - 羧酸(ACC)的配方、使用时间和浓度,以及苄基腺嘌呤(Benzyladenin)和乙烯利(Ethephon)等,都会影响苹果和樱桃树对这些物质的吸收和利用效率。 疏花疏果及果实负载调控研究 在疏花疏果和果实负载调控方面 ...
乙烯:乙烯是一种气态植物激素。在盐胁迫下,许多作物在种子萌发时乙烯产量会增加。例如,番茄种子在盐胁迫下会增强乙烯合成,外施乙烯前体 ACC 或乙烯释放剂 ethephon 能促进种子在盐胁迫下的萌发。乙烯通过 CTR1-EIN2-EIN3 信号通路传导盐胁迫信号,EIN3/EIL 能 ...
To address the problems of artificial apple thinning, which are time-consuming, labor-intensive, and inefficient, this study examined the fruit thinning effect and mechanism of spraying metamitron at ...