GROWTH in length of a long bone occurs at epiphysial cartilage plates. Where more than one epiphysis is concerned, does each make its contribution irrespective of the other or does the growth of ...
Credit: De la divulsion des épiphyses : thèse pour le doctorat en médecine présentée et soutenue le 23 juin 1866 / par Antoine-Théophile Cosseret. Source: Wellcome Collection. Provider: This material ...
The feet were similarly involved and tended to have a broad, slightly adducted forefoot. The two affected children showed multiple coned epiphyses. This paper provides a detailed description of the ...
On the other hand, the more divergent and distant the duplicated bones are, the more likely they are to have separate epiphyses, which helps the surgeon to more accurately predict the type of ...
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