Commissioner John Coffee asked Herring and Potter County Sheriff Brian Thomas about inmate management and expressed hope for ...
For James Edwards, a 57-year-old patient with congestive heart failure, recovering at home from shortness of breath rather ...
Patients are being 'warehoused' due to strain beyond capacity, Testart asserts; minister acknowledges delayed surgeries ...
Staff have reflected on the first 100 days of the new A&E department being a open - a time when services have been stretched ...
An interim report on a Hiqa review of emergency services in the Mid-West is now with the health minister, with the final ...
Bed-bound patients were told to “soil themselves” in a busy A&E department because there were not enough staff to take them ...
The A&E department of a Kent hospital has been ordered to make 'significant improvements' after patients were left waiting ...
An inspection by the CQC, in February 2024, looked into the care provided by urgent and emergency services at the Medway Maritime Hospital in Kent. | ITV News Meridian ...
Swansea Bay University Health Board revealed the news in response to findings from an unannounced Healthcare Inspectorate ...
Montefiore Health System is planning to break down dozens of hospital beds to make space for critical care capacity, sparking ...
EMTs waiting in emergency room hallways, delaying care & 911 responses. Here’s why this is a growing emergency.