Effective writing is readable — that is, clear, accurate, and concise. When you are writing a paper, try to get your ideas across in such a way that the audience will understand them ...
Finally, an interesting essay! As you finish the “recipe” and read through the rest of her application, you start to feel much better. Decent grades, good test scores, solid recommendations ...
An introduction briefly introduces your main ideas and arguments - that the rest of the essay will explore this in greater detail. Evidence is the foundation of an effective essay and provides ...
These tend to be shorter and more focused than the main essay. You'll want your essay to make a good impression and boost your chances of being accepted by colleges, but you have only several ...
This free download offers tips on topic selection, essay organization, and logistical tips. It also provides sample essays so that you can gain exposure to this genre of writing. The most effective ...
"A great essay about a seemingly mundane or 'unimpressive' topic that helps the reader understand you more clearly will always be more effective than a generic, surface-level response about a more ...
Essay questions can be intimidating, but they don’t have to be! This guide breaks down five essential rules to help you write clear, well-structured, and effective essays under time pressure.
Tired of asking for more scope, depth and flow with no improvement in students’ writing? Maybe the problem is not the students but your feedback ...