Some of Indias biggest retailers like Future Group, Big Bazaar, Easyday and Nilgiris have imposed a nationwide ban on Maggi. Thereafter multiple state authorities in India found unacceptable ...
PLease tell me wether this TV is good to buy... As i am looking to buy this product. Please tell me..
印度有啥东西采购的?沃尔玛只能曲线救国,投资了一家印度批发企业,通过这家企业控制了印度连锁超市 Easyday ”。印度官方调查后,认为沃尔玛违反外商投资法,同样开出了数亿美元的罚单。经过了几年诉讼,沃尔玛不得不退出印度零售业,只保留部分批发 ...