低频是麦克白夫人擦拭血迹的绸缎手套,蓬松绵密却暗藏金属骨架。听《阿姐鼓》里的人声吟唱时,那西藏巫傩般的震颤不是从耳膜,而是顺着脊骨爬上来的。中频如同被麦酒浸润过的古英语对白,听Leonard Cohen唱《You Want It ...
The body may grow old, but the soul can shine brightly forever.
Modern life makes us tired, right? But research from societies in Africa and South America suggests people in the ancient ...
Modern life makes us tired, right? But research from societies in Africa and South America suggests people in the ancient ...
伽利略对光学的贡献是革命性的。他对望远镜的巧妙开发和应用彻底改变了天文学,为人们提供了对宇宙结构无与伦比的见解。他的天文发现为日心说提供了有力的证据,挑战了既定的世界观,为科学革命铺平了道路。虽然他没有像同时代的其他人那样直接探索基本的光学原理,但他 ...