Modern life makes us tired, right? But research from societies in Africa and South America suggests people in the ancient ...
制造出“长毛鼠”的是美国一家名为Colossal的生物技术公司。公司创始人之一是哈佛大学教授、遗传学家乔治·丘奇(George Church),另一位则是连续创业者本·拉姆(Ben Lamm)。 Colossal致力于复活猛犸、袋狼等已经灭绝的动物 ...
Modern life makes us tired, right? But research from societies in Africa and South America suggests people in the ancient ...
复述法:在不看课文的情况下,尝试用自己的话复述课文内容,然后对照原文检查。 案例分析 以“Elephants”这篇课文为例,课文中出现了许多关于大象的描述。例如:“Elephants look very different from other animals. They are huge. They have large ears and long trunks. They can pick ...