The show features a mix of old and new ECW stars. One notable name is CM Punk, who is said to have entered to AFI’s Miseria Cantare for the first time in the WWE.
WWE Vault has released footage from a 2006 show at the ECW Arena in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The nearly hour-long video features opening remarks from former ECW wrestlers like Sandman and Nunzio ...
Fans of the "WWECW" era of WWE, when the company brought back the iconic ECW brand, will get a late holiday gift on December 28, when the WWE Vault YouTube channel streams a "lost" house show from ...
ECW has been mythologized so much as a spot filled with pure hardcore guys. That ignores the early years when they had plenty of technical wrestlers without hardcore flair, like Eddie Guerrero and ...
Former WWE superstar Sabu opened up about his struggles with WWE's revival of ECW, revealing it strayed far from the original. He, along with Rob Van Dam and Paul Heyman, was unhappy with Vince ...
Sabu had a stint in WWE during its iteration of ECW, and he recently reflected on the challenges faced by the brand. During a recent appearance on the “Donut Shop Chronicles” podcast, Sabu reflected ...