Measures to slash £5billion from the spiralling welfare bill had been expected yesterday, but have faced a furious backlash.
Nearly one third of teenagers with a disability living in the London boroughs of Camden and Westminster have been denied ...
She said that the ministry is aware that there are six private entities that have made a commitment to enabling people with disabilities to grow their businesses alongside training them to compete for ...
Labour rebel ‘couldn’t look my mum in the eyes’ and vote for Starmer’s welfare cuts - Divisions in the Labour Party are ...
The language we use and the stories we tell shape our behavior, writes Amy Julia Becker. And whether it is the overtly ...
A learning disabilities charity, Camphill Milton Keynes, has unveiled the opening of its new accessible homes for adults with ...
At the heart of the conflict is a fight over adding gender dysphoria to the list of conditions to be accommodated with disability services in schools.
Renoviction, the practice of evicting tenants in order to renovate their units, is a type of no-fault eviction that presents ...
“They need to understand that cutting Medicaid is not just a policy decision,” described Pam Dollar, executive director of the Mississippi Coalition for Citizens with Disabilities. “It is a direct ...
The Kaizen Para-Karate 2025 Cowabunga Cup, a tournament for people with mental disabilities, takes place this weekend in ...
The Harrisonburg Innovation Hub, a shared workspace in downtown Harrisonburg, has become the first project in the city to ...
The program allows qualifying residents to apply for vouchers, which range from $800 to $3000 dollars, to fund the purchase ...