(台北7日讯)由地球上最后的两只恐龙:暴龙与三角龙所组成的乐团“The Dinosaur's Skin 恐龙的皮”发行第一张概念专辑《I Dig You》深获乐迷喜爱,向来喜欢挑战不同的演出场域,日前特别选在“MUVIE CINEMAS ...
Modern life makes us tired, right? But research from societies in Africa and South America suggests people in the ancient ...
Modern life makes us tired, right? But research from societies in Africa and South America suggests people in the ancient world slept only 6.5 hours a night.
(首尔7日讯)韩国“国民Trot歌手”宋大琯今日(7日)因心肌梗塞离世,享寿78岁。灵堂将设于首尔大学医院殡仪馆。消息传出后,歌迷与业界纷纷表达哀悼与不舍。据悉,宋大琯生前长期与慢性疾病对抗,并接受过三次手术。尽管如此,他对舞台的热爱始终不减。据身边 ...