The global dicamba herbicide market size was US$ 4.9 billion in 2021. The global dicamba herbicide market is forecast to grow to US$ 9.9 billion by 2030 by registering a compound annual growth rate ...
27 outside of Leachville, Ark. Mississippi County Sheriff Dale Cook says the shooting occurred after a dispute over Dicamba herbicide drift that Wallace had claimed damaged his crops. Mourners ...
Dicamba formulations have been considered controversial for several years as various crops have suffered drift and volatility resulting from the herbicide. In October 2020, the Trump ...
An herbicide may "drift" from the agricultural fields where it's sprayed and harm weeds that grow at the edge of the fields, impacting pollinators. A University of Michigan study examined the effects ...
The administrator of the U.S. EPA says the agency is taking a more efficient approach when it comes to the review and ...
A University of Michigan study examined the effects of the herbicide, called dicamba, and found that plants exposed to dicamba drift had a lowered abundance of pollinators, and that pollinator ...
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The registration for dicamba labels (Xtendimax, Engenia, and Tavium) for over-the-top applications in tolerant soybean varieties have been pulled for the 2025 growing season. Many farmers ...
The Environmental Protection Agency and the states are considering changes in the registration of dicamba after additional off-target spray drift problems in 2021. Minnesota announced Thursday they ...