The global dicamba herbicide market size was US$ 4.9 billion in 2021. The global dicamba herbicide market is forecast to grow to US$ 9.9 billion by 2030 by registering a compound annual growth rate ...
27 outside of Leachville, Ark. Mississippi County Sheriff Dale Cook says the shooting occurred after a dispute over Dicamba herbicide drift that Wallace had claimed damaged his crops. Mourners ...
Dicamba formulations have been considered controversial for several years as various crops have suffered drift and volatility resulting from the herbicide. In October 2020, the Trump ...
The administrator of the U.S. EPA says the agency is taking a more efficient approach when it comes to the review and ...
Beyond Pesticides celebrates the life and legacy of Joan Dye Gussow, EdD, a leader in the organic and local food movements ...
A fast-growing, highly invasive weed known as waterhemp has developed resistance to glyphosate, one of the most commonly used ...
(Beyond Pesticides, March 19, 2025) In a major win for small-scale food producers and peasant farmers in Kenya, “the Kenya Court of Appeal blocked the Kenyan government from importing genetically ...
The researchers found evidence of resistance to three other herbicide chemistries - mesotrione, atrazine, and chlorimuron ...