It’s one down and two to go for construction of three flood reduction detention basins along Big Creek Parkway in Middleburg ...
A detenetion pond, or "detention basin," is a large, constructed depression in an urban landscape that receives and stores the stormwater runoff from large drainage areas. Detention basins usually ...
An EMERGENCY ALERT message has been issued for Gubberley Creek Detention Basin area in Kenmore from the BRISBANE CITY COUNCIL as at 1.30am on March ...
Warren leaders gathered for the opening Monday of a $37.5 million detention basin they say will reduce basement flooding and result in fewer sewage discharges into the Red Run Drain. The basin ...
At a ceremonial ribbon-cutting and plaque introduction ceremony, Mayor Lori Stone formally unveiled the Stephens Road Detention Basin on Stephens Road, east of Groesbeck Highway. Stone called the ...
HOUSTON, Texas — The Harris County Flood Control District broke out the heavy equipment Monday to scoop up illegally dumped trash and debris in a detention basin meant to hold only stormwater.