From the Ice Lantern Festival to the impressive Harbin Ice-Snow World, Chinese ice sculpting has become a major draw for visitors from all over the world. Standing beneath the towering sculptures, ...
新春在即,ART POWER 100&DESIGN POWER 100 陪伴大家走过又一年的艺术时光。“无界荐展”板块作为艺术与设计爱好者的交流平台,持续发挥着纽带作用,引领同好共赏诸多精彩纷呈的艺术展览,共同见证艺术世界的丰富与绚烂。 值此龙年新春,我们特别推出新春展览特刊。从历史悠久、底蕴深厚的国家级美术馆,到充满先锋气息和地方特色的美术馆,都在新春之际拿出了自己的“看家本领”。本次新春特辑为 ...
Modern life makes us tired, right? But research from societies in Africa and South America suggests people in the ancient world slept only 6.5 hours a night.