XI'AN, March 10 (Xinhua) -- A Chinese research team announced Monday that a space thruster has achieved full-power operation. The 100 kW high-thrust magnetoplasmadynamic thruster they tested is poised ...
What is it like to live in the depths of the ocean for a month? This science-fiction-like concept is about to become a ...
Modern life makes us tired, right? But research from societies in Africa and South America suggests people in the ancient ...
Modern life makes us tired, right? But research from societies in Africa and South America suggests people in the ancient ...
一颗新发现的名为2024 YR4的近地小行星就是一个可能存在危险的天体:这是一块长130至300英尺的岩石,目前它有五十分之一的概率在2032年12月22日撞击地球的某个地方。
凤凰网科技讯 北京时间3月11日,国内公司近日发布的全球首款通用型人工智能代理(AI ...
深演智能经过反复打磨和在客户场景中的落地,首次发布了这款企业级 AI 应用。 Deep Agent 基于DeepSeek等公有大模型底座的同时,也结合了深演智能在营销技术领域和零售、汽车、美妆、消费品等行业沉淀多年的业务 Know-How,融入被证明的行业小模型。另外,通过前沿的智能体 RAG 技术的应用,Deep Agent ...
索引:前进!!英雄战队物语 DX (Legends of Heropolis DX)Star CrafterMetal Head WarfareFace to FaceMop SkaterCarmen SandiegoHENPRI浮生游歌(Songs ...
Kalandadze emphasized that under the BRI cooperation framework, the two sides have jointly implemented a series of projects. Enhanced bilateral connectivity of goods has elevated Georgia’s role, ...
当《哪吒2》以148.9亿票房,登上全球票房榜前6,以东方美学颠覆好莱坞动画叙事;全球马力排名中位列第二的小米SU7 Ultra赢得海内外一片好评;下载量登顶全球第一的DEEP ...