West led 9♠, won in dummy, before declarer ruffed a spade in hand. 6♦ to A♦ came next, followed by a second spade ruff. Declarer played 9♦ to Q♦ and a low heart from dummy. East leapt up ...
North’s response was a Negative Double, showing exactly four spades. South re-bid no-trumps as planned. West led Q♥ and, once South gained the lead, most players led a low club from hand to dummy’s K♣ ...
Goren Bridge by Bob Jones ...
Do you open all 12-counts as a matter of routine? What about this one: ; K-Q, k J-10-7-5, l Q-J-10-8, ' K-5-2, in first ...
When you are the declarer, sometimes your opponents will defend well and make your life somewhere between difficult and impossible. More often, though, they will not find the best plays ...
Liu found that opening lead – a low diamond! East won with his king and shifted to the five of spades to declarer’s 10 and Liu’s jack. The bidding and play so far made the distribution easy ...
Victor Hugo wrote, "He who every morning plans the transactions of the day, and follows that plan, carries a thread that will guide him through a labyrinth of the most ...
He won a raffle to support a worthy cause, and this entitled him to a session of bridge with the legendary Zia Mahmood. Mahmood is originally from Pakistan but has lived in the USA for many years. The ...
Many congratulations to Kathleen Keane and Carol Jones who carried off the Non-Life Masters Trophy which was played over two ...
Today’s Italian media reports claim that Artem Dovbyk and Mats Hummels could end up leaving Roma at the end of the season.
A researcher works with a water sample from Sumas Prairie, B.C., after devastating 2021 floods. Among several contaminants, water samples were found to contain PFAS, a class of 4,700 chemicals ...
Au Kenya, un juge vient de juger illégal un projet de séquestration de carbone dans le sol qui servait à générer des crédits ...