Hidden away among factories and warehouses in the industrial wilderness of Kitakagaya, some 10 minutes on foot from the metro station, is one of Osaka’s premier ...
2 School of Pharmacy and Bimolecular Sciences, Liverpool John Moores University Introduction Daphnia magna are an established model in ecology for the investigation of toxins in freshwater systems, as ...
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The water flea, Daphnia magna-a tiny crustacean measuring no more than five yet packing an impressive nutritional punch, has long been in the sights of aquaculture producers as a vital live feed ...
© 2025 American Chemical Society and Division of Chemical Education, Inc. Article Views are the COUNTER-compliant sum of full text article downloads since November ...
To reveal how temperature influences competition and population growth, the team focused on Daphnia pulex, a small zooplankton species that plays a vital role in freshwater food webs and water quality ...
These canines “survived for a reason,” an expert told us. But what exactly is causing these rapid genetic transformations?
To reveal how temperature influences competition and population growth, the team focused on Daphnia pulex, a small zooplankton species that plays a vital role in freshwater food webs and water ...