中国网3月20日讯(记者 ...
中创物流(603967.SH)3月19日晚发布公告称,公司监事会于近日收到股东代表监事施柯庆先生递交的辞职报告。施柯庆先生因工作调动原因申请辞去第四届监事会监事职务。根据相关规定,施柯庆先生辞职后将导致公司监事会成员低于法定人数,因此其辞职申请将在股东大会选举产生新监事后生效。在此期间,施柯庆先生仍应继续履行监 ...
To qualify for the trail, a restaurant, fish store or clam and oyster bar must prove it is using substantial amounts of local ...
"Why not try something locally harvested that doesn't have to travel across the world to get to your plate?" a fisheries ...
Beloit College junior Nate Otis not only made it to the podium in the 400-meter hurdles, but he boosted himself up the NCAA Division III leaderboard with ...
The University of Tennessee women's basketball team received confirmation that it had earned its 43rd consecutive postseason ...
Alabama quarterback Jalen Milroe posted a 40 time in the 4.5-second range at the Crimson Tide pro day in Tuscaloosa on Wednesday morning.
The Jacksonville Jaguars will sign offensive tackle Fred Johnson to a one-year contract, his agent told ESPN on Wednesday.