TIANJIN, Feb. 2 (Xinhua) -- In a studio adorned with antique charm in north China's Tianjin Municipality, Zhang Yu delicately rotated the clay sculpture with his left hand while skillfully carving ...
演员李珠实在与癌症作斗争的过程中离开了人世。 享年81岁。2日,据所属公司一二三公Culture透露,李珠实当天上午10点20分左右在首尔议政府二女儿的家中死亡。此前,故人被诊断为乳腺癌3期,与病魔抗争了13年。 虽然通过坚持不懈的管理被判定为痊愈,但最近癌症复发。 死因是胃癌,在天主教大学议政府圣母医院接受了心肺复苏术,但最终死亡。直到最近,李柱实还在积极活动。 去年播出的KBS2周末剧《美女与 ...
China's 24 Solar Terms, the ancient Chinese knowledge of dividing a year through the observation of the sun's annual motion, was inscribed on the World Intangible Cultural Heritage List in 2016.
“百节年为首”,春节在中国人心中的地位无法比拟。那么,春节古时叫元旦、最早的爆竹是竹子、大年三十并非年年有……这些有关春节的“小众知识”,你知道多少? Dating back centuries, Spring Festival is the ...
Recently, a spring festival celebration featuring Manchu culture kicked off in Liaoning Province. Traditional folk performances and unique local delicacies gave Sher Abbas, a Pakistani student, his ...
ZAGREB, Jan. 26 (Xinhua) -- More and more people in Croatia and other European countries are enjoying the Spring Festival culture, Kresimir Jurak, a Croatian scholar, told Xinhua in a recent interview ...
此外,蚌埠广播电视台现已开启微视频征集活动,欢迎大家分享生活中的突发事件、奇闻趣事、绝活特技、自然风光与美食佳肴等,时长控制在3分钟以内,您可以用手机或专业设备拍摄,将作品发送至:[email protected],或通过微信公号“蚌埠号外”后台提交。一经采用,稿酬丰厚!
The traditional activities of Spring Festival are very interesting! 我们的韩语实习妹妹栾怡昀来到虹桥镇,和一位在虹桥镇居住20年之久的韩籍居民金禧媛一起感受中国春节的传统文化。
Follow us 划动查看中文版When it comes to the Spring Festival Gala held right at the villagers' doorsteps, people should be quite ...
首先,在1月28日播出的第一部分中,介绍了HOT、SES、神话、BoA、东方神起、Super Junior、少女时代等在K-POP历史上留下印记的SM传奇歌手的出道历程和著名歌曲。跨越世代的经典歌曲,带给人们无限回忆与感动,也再次印证了SM在粉丝文化的形成、韩流的普及等K-POP产业中强大的影响力。