All branches of the national government have accommodated the liberalizing shifts: legislating for women in college sports ...
This view is shared by most adherents in nearly all religious traditions, including 82% of Jews, 79% of Catholics, 57% of evangelical Protestants, and 56% of Muslims. (From the US Religious Landscape ...
Moral Responsibility in War: The Complexity of Innocence, Guilt, and Collective Participation. Northern Italy, autumn 1944. In a city, a crowd of people from all walks of life gathers for an ...
It is instructive to recall the circumstances of the Bibas family's kidnapping. They were not, in fact, kidnapped by identified members of Hamas. They were kidnapped by Palestinians in civilian ...
and a disquieting strain of moral relativism appears to be taking hold. It’s not impossible to imagine that vice-signaling behaviors will become entrenched as new social and cultural norms in ...