ctrl+shift+u cmd+shift+u Toggle case for word at caret or selected block N/A ctrl+shift+] cmd+shift+] Select till code block end N/A ctrl+shift+[cmd+shift+[Select till code block start N/A ctrl+right ...
Undertale, a timeless and iconic indie gem, has unexpectedly basic controls. All its controls are as follows: While the controls are very easy to get your head round, the same cannot be said for how ...
Fix automation parameter values resetting to 0.0 upon initialization in VST3 in some DAWs. Allow VST3 plugin to receive 16 MIDI channels of MIDI CC, pitch bend, and channel aftertouch. Improve CLAP ...
微软公司近期在其Dev频道向用户推送了Microsoft Edge浏览器的最新版本135.0.3179.11,此次更新不仅修复了五十多项涉及崩溃、界面显示及兼容性的问题,还带来了备受瞩目的新功能——Copilot侧边栏。