like a fear of snakes (ophidiophobia), to something rather weird, let’s say, a fear of long words. The first time you hear about it, you might think the person is making it up. Like why would ...
Most folks would argue that flirting can, in fact, be hard. You have to balance so many spinning plates, to be funny, interesting and not drive the other person away. However, there are always a few ...
Chronophobia, according to a 2020 study from the Asian Journal of Psychiatry, is the fear of passing time. This strange phobia is often seen in individuals experiencing extended periods of ...
For, as strange as it sounds, Lynsey suffers from ichthyophobia – a fear of fish. She believes it all started when she was about three, when she almost choked on a fish bone. 'I know it's funny ...
“Most phobias are created when there is a sensitising event,” Adam explains. “A child seeing a stranger dressed up in a strange costume with unknown motives is the likely trigger for the ...