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Satya Nadella, Chairman and CEO, shared the below communication with Microsoft employees this morning. As we’ve seen time and again throughout our 50-year history, times of great change for the world ...
This was initially available to only 10,000 trusted testers in December, and now Microsoft is opening it up to everyone.
一个常见的问题是,为什么Power BI 总计不准确,因为它不是显示的各个行的总和。在本文中,将解释这些总计数出现的原因。 在查看报告时,报表使用人员都会仔细检查报表中的总计数是否正常。最简单和最直观的方法是,验证总数是否等于单个行的总和。这种行为非常正常,而且大多有效。但是,总计只是累加度量的行总和,累加度量是自然计算为总和的度量。