A new study has introduced a powerful tool for analyzing satellite imagery of boreal forests (also known as 'Taiga' in North America), offering unprecedented insights into the health and dynamics of ...
A recent study underscores how humanity’s success in extinguishing fires has allowed dead wood and other flammable material ...
Gladys Buxton Adult Education Centre, Oakhill Road, Dronfield: Full planning application for development of 27 new dwellings, ...
Two damaged trees in the cemetery on Richardson Street in Carlisle are to be removed next week. The two large conifer trees were damaged in the recent Storm Eowyn which brought gusts of up to 90 miles ...
While fire season is all year long in southern Colorado, warm and dry days serve as good opportunities for homeowners to ...
A little spring cleaning is taking place in the forest around Nelson. This spring, around 3.4 hectares of forest near the Selkirk College Silver King campus will be subject to a wildfire fuel ...
A new study has introduced a powerful tool for analyzing satellite imagery of boreal forests (also known as “Taiga” in North ...
Re: Okanagan producers of a documentary focused on wildfires ask for funds to finish their project (Castanet, Feb. 24) ...
Permission has been sought for various developments including tree felling, new dwellings, and changes of use across Fenland ...
Analysis - With the world on the threshold of 1.5°C of warming, one pressing question is: how bad can it get? The answer may lie beneath our feet.
If you purchase one, keep in mind that they need just the right conditions to grow successfully, replicating their natural ...