— 总部位于佛罗里达州、专注于服装及相关产品的Superior Group of Companies, Inc. (NASDAQ: SGC )今日披露了一项新的股份回购计划。该公司市值为1.7862亿美元,根据 InvestingPro 数据显示,公司目前股价为10.83美元,接近其52周低点10.73美元。
Recently, Morgan Stanley released a research report titled "Humanoid Robots 100: Mapping the Humanoid Robot Value Chain", claiming that the potential market size for embodied intelligence could reach ...
AsianFin -- Xu Bing, a co-founder, executive director, and board secretary of AI company SenseTime Group, has resigned from ... — KinderCare Learning Companies Inc.公布了强劲的2024年第四季度业绩,实际每股收益 (EPS)为$0.09,超过了预期的$0.05,实现了80%的正面惊喜。公司收入也略微超出预期,报告为$647百万,而预期为$645.42百万。尽管财报积极,该股票在盘后交易中下跌了3.82%,收于$17,而在常规交易时段曾上涨2.43%。
综上所述,当前A股市场的AI产业链受到严重压力,科技股的波动为投资者带来了挑战。尽管市场短期或将继续调整,但从长期看,科技Companies依然是不可忽视的投资机会。对于投资者而言,合理运用逆向投资策略与指数化投资将可能为他们在风险中寻找出路,创造更多的价值。在这复杂的市场环境中,理性投资、审慎决策是每个投资者的必要素养。 返回搜狐,查看更多 ...
China's non-financial outbound direct investment rose 9.1 percent year on year to US$22.97 billion in the first two months of ...
截至3月19日,该公司在开售72小时内已收到来自企业合作伙伴和个人客户的 45813 份购买 4 款 VinFast 绿色车型 的预订订单。
As of 2024, the volume of express delivery services in China has exceeded the 170 billion mark. With the development of smart ...
新加坡竞争与消费者委员会(CCCS,简称竞消委)宣布征询公众对世界两大广告传播集团并购计划的意见。事关宏盟集团(Omnicom Group)拟议收购埃培智集团(Interpublic Group of Companies)。
BEIJING, March 20 (Xinhua) -- China will work to further stabilize foreign investment in 2025, implementing measures to open up more fields and improve the business environment, the Ministry of ...